The Genesis
In the year 2015, the Lord placed a burning passion in the heart of Prophet Kafui Ntow about the need to win souls for the Kingdom of God. Armed with this renewed fire, he ignited the hearts of two of his very good friends with this vision; Apostle Dr. Nana Baah Gyan and Apostle Kenneth Annoh. They prayed about it, encouraged each other and organised the maiden conference on 12th September, 2015 at the Baptist House, Abelemkpe, with 250 participants.
This became the start of a ministry, the Giftings and Callings Camp (GC Camp), which continues to annually host this gathering of young men and women for 12 hours of non-stop prayer, practical teaching and prophetic ministration aimed at raising an army for the work of God.
Where We Are
The main agenda of GC Camp in the fulfillment of the Great Commission of Jesus Christ, has been to develop the spiritual gifts and callings of young people especially, for the work of the ministry and the edification of the body of Christ as mentioned by Apostle Paul in Ephesians 4:12.
The GC Camp Annual Conference, among other ministry endeavors, serves as an opportunity for capacity-building in using God-given gifts to reach the unreached, grow disciples of Christ and strengthen the church. Since its inception, the number of volunteers involved in the organisation of the conference has grown steadily from 22 to over 100, with support from partner ministries and churches.
This year’s conference will be held on 9th September, 2023 at the church premises of Winners’ Chapel Ghana at Avenor in Accra, from 6am to 6pm under the theme “Kingdom Alignment”, with an estimated 3000 participants in attendance.