Gifted Women’s Conference 2024











The Gifted Women’s Conference (GWC) is an opportunity for women to serve, minister, form meaningful godly connections, and obtain clarity of identity and purpose, unto our maturation into the image of Jesus Christ and the spread of the Gospel. It is a time of thanksgiving, praise, worship, prayer, discussion, fellowship, exhortation and ministration, in a life-transforming atmosphere where women are redeemed, revived, restored, refreshed, refilled, reformed, retuned, repositioned and resourced. The bible records several encounters that women had with God, from which we can draw inspiration to explore our own relationships with Him. The GWC is hinged on life application of the written (logos) and spoken (rhema) word of God that “[His] will be done on earth as it is in heaven.”


In 2018 The Lord sent His Word to GC Camp leadership to prepare towards hosting a women’s conference. Corporate prayer begun being invested into the conference from February 2019. In February 2021, The Lord gave leadership the theme for the Maiden Gifted Women’s conference “CONSECRATION”, and after much prayer, planning and preparation the maiden 6-hour women’s conference was held on 15th January 2022 at Tesano Baptist Church, Accra with over 300 women in attendance.


In July 2023, leadership received the theme for GWC 2024 anchored in John 4:23-24, “In Spirit and In Truth”.

It is a call to sincere devotion and intimate interaction with God through The Living Word by The Spirit of God, the result of which is to become like God since we become what we behold (2 Corinthians 3:16-18). So worship is not just singing songs to and about God; it goes beyond the 4 walls of a church building and is not limited to religious practices of Sunday gatherings.

To truly live is to wholly worship The God who designed our very existence, for it is in Him we live and move and have our being (Acts 17:28). To wholly worship is for God to daily find full expression in our lives such that it becomes abundantly clear that we can do nothing without recourse to Him (John 15:5).

This year, we, alongside an expected 500 women, seek to become conduits of God’s presence and power by learning and exercising what it means to worship in Spirit and in Truth.

Register to be part of GWC 2023