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Water Baptism
he doctrine of baptism is one of the Christian core doctrines. Even though it is quite simple to grasp, it has also been one of the dividers of the Christian faith. Some believe that one can be bap- tized by both sprinkling and immersion and each of these are significant, whilst others believe in only baptism by immersion. Also, some are of the view that children should be baptized as a way of making them part of the church whilst others believe it is only when the child is old enough to receive Christ and has believed in Jesus that s/he is baptized.
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Victory Over Sin and Temptation
“74That he would grant unto us, that we being delivered out of the hand of our enemies might serve him without fear, 75In holiness and righteousness before him, all the days of our life.“ (Luke 1:74,75). “For sin shall not have dominion over you: for ye are not under the law, but under grace.“ (Romans 6:14) When we become Christians, we are saved, delivered from sin to serve the living God in righteous- ness and holiness all the days of our life (Lk 1:74,75, Romans 6:14). Sin no longer has power over you. God still allows us to be tempted throughout our Christian life. Developing a right attitude towards sin and temptation is therefore vital for Christian growth.
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Jesus The Son of Man
We begin a new set of series about Jesus and some of the designations he used about himself while on his earthly mission. We start off with Jesus referring to himself as the Son of man. This was quite a common title or designation he used about himself in the gospel. What does this mean and what was the purpose for this? We use this material, today’s lesson and the related series following, to establish, using evidence from Scripture itself, reasons why Jesus used such title. In the end, this should clear doubts about his person and the nature of his assignment here on earth.
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Jesus The Son of God (Pt. 5)
We begin the fifth part of our series on Jesus the Son of God. We have already established the im- portance of this study and the fact that it encapsulates quite a number of things we need to know about our Lord Jesus. For this part of the series, we examine Jesus’ present and futrue ministry.
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Jesus The Son of God (Pt. 4)
We begin our fourth part of our series on Jesus the Son of God. We already established the im- portance of this study and the fact that it encapsulates quite a number of things we need to know about Jesus. For this part of the series we take a look again at Jesus and examine His sacrificial and substitutionary death, His bodily resurrection, and His Ascension.
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Jesus The Son of God (Pt. 3)
We begin our third part of our series on Jesus the Son of God. We already established the importance of this study and the fact that it encapsulates quite a number of things we need to know about Jesus. For this part of the series we take a look again at Jesus and examine His earthly minsitry, His miracles, His salvation mission and His offices, all of which give clues on the personality of His being the Son of God.
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Jesus The Son of God (Pt. 2)
We begin our second part of our series on Jesus the Son of God. We already established the impor- tance of this study and the fact that it encapsulates quite a number of things we need to know about Jesus. For this part of the series we take a look again at Jesus and examine His real humanity, His part in the hypostatic union, His baptism and then His temptation all of which give clues on the personality of His being the Son of God.
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Jesus The Son of God (Pt. 1)
More than 2000 years ago, Jesus asked His disciples two questions which are still ringing in the hearts and minds of men: • “Who do people say the Son of Man is?” and • “Who do you say I am?” (Matthew 16:13-16) Many people, religious systems and philosophers have suggested various answers to the first ques- tions.
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Holy Spirit Infilling
There are 3 main Holy Spirit experiences that every believer must have. They are; 1. Holy Spirit Baptism 2. Holy Spirit Infilling, and, 3. Holy Spirit Indwelling Today we will be looking at what it means to be filled with the Holy Spirit.
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Holy Spirit Baptism
There are 3 main Holy Spirit experiences that every believer must have. They are; 1. Holy Spirit Baptism 2. Holy Spirit Infilling, and, 3. Holy Spirit Indwelling Today we will look at the Holy Spirit Baptism. In the future we will consider the other two experi- ences.
The Assurance of Salvation
Have you ever wondered if the vows you made when you opened your heart to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour were enough? Do you sometimes feel guilty about your past sins and think there is no way God will forgive you? Do you sometimes think you are not good enough for God to use you? Well, gracefully, these are the questions we seek to answer in our study today. The Word of God says; “For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved”. Romans 10:10. “But as many as received Him, to them gave He the power to become the sons of God”, John 1:12.
The Lurking Deceit
Over the past few weeks, I have been burdened and lost sleep because lots of young Christians have substituted the work of the Holy Spirit in their lives for zodiac signs. There is a growing trend of Christians who have accepted zodiac signs as their guide to life (consciously or not). It has informed their choice of partner and made them accept the character traits proposed by the sign. Prayerfully read this.
Our Year of Knowing God
We have come out of a year that many considered the most hectic in the past decadeThe lingering effects and the changing scenes of the Corona Virus Pandemic have informed and even forced many life pattern changes. In some cases it has been the reason for untold hardships on families, communities and nations. Some have struggled to keep up. Yet others have lostheir jobs and have been struggling to make ends meet.