Music Ministry Testimony
I am a member of the music ministry in my church, and by the Grace of God, I also believe that I have been called to start a music ministry of my own. For a while I had been asking God why it seemed my music ministry had stalled a bit while that of other ministers who started ministry around the same time as I did whilst we were University students on campus seemed to be flourishing.
I also remembered that while on campus there was a lot of pressure for music ministers to release songs, with the advice that it was an assured path to riches and fame. For some reason, I always felt promptings from the Holy Spirit to be patient and wait on the Lord with regards to my ministry and asked God to show me clear signs when the time was right to start my ministry. At a GC Camp retreat earlier this year, there were many prophecies about the music ministry and I felt in my spirit that it was God giving me the sign that I asked for. Coincidentally, I had also been approached by a group of gifted instrumentalists who had offered to be a part of my music ministry. I thank God for giving me direction and guidance towards starting my ministry.
Health Testimony
I started experiencing an irregular menstrual cycle sometime last year in April, along with an unusually heavy flow of blood with very huge clots. I was constantly in a lot of pain. This caused me to become severely anaemic. It also started draining me financially as I had to constantly purchase sanitary towels. I went to see a doctor who told me that it might be due to fibroid growth. I confided in one of the leaders of GC Camp who gave me a word from God that my ill health was being caused by an arrow that had been shot at me in the spirit and prayed with me. I also started spending a lot of time engaging in spiritual warfare. By the Grace of God since the start of this year the unusual flow of blood has completely stopped and my cycle has returned to normal.
Robbery Testimony
I was heading to work one day when a man asked me for directions to a certain place. I did not know the place, so he suggested that we ask another guy who was approaching us. He knew the place, so I suggested that he goes ahead with the other guy. He however insisted that I go along with them as he was worried that he would be robbed and I eventually agreed. When we arrived at the place the man thanked me and offered to give me gold as a sign of his gratitude and asked me to follow him. I refused initially, but all of a sudden I felt the urge to follow him. Through conversation, he encouraged me to attach an amount of money to the gold as it wasn’t yet refined. I did not have a lot of money on me, so I decided to go to the bank to withdraw some money. Just as I was about to leave to the bank, I suddenly felt a strong prompting not to go. I told them that I would rather send them money through mobile money. However when I checked my momo balance, I did not have a lot of money on it. They then instructed me to purchase something on their behalf, which I agreed to do. On my way to purchase the item, I suddenly burst into tongues. I returned to the point I had left them only to find that they had ran away with my belongings. I returned home very disturbed. I said a prayer later that night for God to intervene. The next day, I went to the bank to go and cancel my atm card to prevent any unauthorised withdrawals. To my shock, I saw the same guys who had robbed me the day before standing outside the bank about to defraud another unsuspecting passer-by. I shouted Thief! at the top of my voice. A hot chase ensued between the thieves and residents of the area. They were eventually caught and arrested by the police and made to return all my belongings and purchase a new phone for me.
Health Testimony
In May 2020, I was bitten by a snake, and though doctors did ask they could, the venom was still in my body, causing my right hand to swell whenever I came into contact with a lot of water. At last year’s conference, during the ministration time, the man of God mentioned that there was someone in the congregation who had been bitten by a snake and as a result had a swollen hand and asked for that person to come out. I came out and the man of God prayed for me. I received my healing and to this day, my hand no longer swells. Glory to God!
Job Testimony
I lost my job beginning of this year, 4 months down the lane with all hope lost, God showed up for me in a way i could never imagine. I got a random call from a mutual friend abroad with a job offer. The offer was too good to be true, at that moment i knew it was God. i want to thank him for his mercy and favor. AMEN
A firm believer
I was blessed by the gccamp prayer meeting online. I received my healing of a immune disorder that was meant to stay a lifetime. Sickle cell trait. In my job, Two people died within six months, while doing a physical test due to this same issue. There have being a lot of hindrances as far as qualifications that I had been denied but now, I shout it on the mountain top(I was also inhibited from climbing mountains and going over certain altitudes), I am healed!! This was a word from Prophet Kafui right as I was praying along the same lines for healing, on the prayer meeting.I want to express my gratitude to God and to this prayer group.
A firm believer paa
A partaker of the grace upon the House
My Testimony
My first ever encounter with this ministry was the May edition of the TOTS service. I had plans of furthering my education and I was looking to God to sort me out financially. By then, I had received a conditional offer to study at the University of Manchester. The condition was for me to write an IELTS exam and get a score of not less than 6.5. I didn’t have the money and I also didn’t want to ask my parents for it .
That day when Pastor Nana Baah was on stage, he said there are people who are looking to God to further their education and that they should only believe in God. I knew that word was for me so I received it wholeheartedly.
When I got home, my uncle had brought my little cousins over for their usual Saturday visits. I was with them until I fell asleep. Later on, I heard them saying their goodbyes so I woke up and went to them. Then my uncle told me my mum informed him that I had to write an exam. I replied in the affirmative. Then he asked how much it was and I told him. Then he went to his car, picked up his cheque book and wrote a cheque of the exact amount for me.
I know this is just the beginning and as I’m believing God I know He’s going to provide funds to cater for the total cost of pursuing my Masters degree. I know that God really is in this ministry and I want to use this opportunity to encourage everyone to believe in what God has said concerning your life. Hallelujah!
God is Good
God is good